D-BRANE™ Module is the SanChip own plug & play module for the HIVOR™ ‘s data acquisition and elaboration process. D-BRANE module can menage several sensors and it is configured to send directly the data to the D-BRANE™ cloud software platform.
All-purpose device, suitable for any application. Plug & Play, compact and reliable.
Multi-parametric, online monitoring system for smart oil analysis and key asset protection.
Cloud-based predictive analysis solution based on AI algorithms for failure diagnosis and information on your asset’s operating status.
Voucher 3I – Investire In Innovazione per le Start-up Innovative €4880
Incentivi fiscali per investimenti in start up e PMI innovative €1083,5
Regime quadro nazionale sugli aiuti di Stato – COVID 19 (Artt. 54 – 61 del DL Rilancio come modificato dall’art. 62 del DL 104/2020) €100.000
COVID-19: Fondo di garanzia PMI Aiuto di stato SA.59655 – Proroga SA.56966 €40.000