Our efforts go beyond the sale of Industrial IoT products and solutions, our mission is to unlock benefits and add value to your core business helping you in any challenge thanks to our know-how, technology and innovation mindset.
R&D projects focused on the development of custom devices tailored to the client’s needs. We drive the development of your tailor-made system from concept to production, thanks to our professional skills in tribology, microfluidics, lab-on-chip, fluid and optical analysis and nanotechnologies.
Microfluidic lab-on-chip fabrication solutions and services coupled to integration of sensors and other components with production volumes from one-off to large batches thanks to our expertise in varied manufacturing processes.
Our priority is offering our know-how around sensors for real-time monitoring, the information and advantages that these provide through training courses on tribology, the use of online measurement systems and the best oil condition analysis techniques.
Offering analysis of fluid samples in our laboratory facility with the potential to perform additional analysis in specialized laboratories for comparison and integration of the measurements from our devices deployed in the field.
Remote monitoring services from our experts, offering data analysis and interpretation and clear and concise reports on the status of your oil and asset, together with a diagnosis of potential failures and the support in the implementation of the best predictive maintenance strategies and activities.
SanChip’s devices and solutions enable oil life extension and productivity maximization by keeping your assets under control. SanChip offers solutions for various needs and applications at different stages of oil and asset lifecycle.
All-purpose device, suitable for any application. Plug & Play, compact and reliable.
Multi-parametric, online monitoring system for smart oil analysis and key asset protection.
Cloud-based predictive analysis solution based on AI algorithms for failure diagnosis and information on your asset’s operating status.
Voucher 3I – Investire In Innovazione per le Start-up Innovative €4880
Incentivi fiscali per investimenti in start up e PMI innovative €1083,5
Regime quadro nazionale sugli aiuti di Stato – COVID 19 (Artt. 54 – 61 del DL Rilancio come modificato dall’art. 62 del DL 104/2020) €100.000
COVID-19: Fondo di garanzia PMI Aiuto di stato SA.59655 – Proroga SA.56966 €40.000